Monday 11 February 2013

Recent Happenings-a bout of homesickness, a newly discovered love of brie, and Inklight

Last week, I'd been feeling really sad all the time, and just really like I wanted to go home.  I felt like it would never get better, and I was just counting the days to come home. Luckily, with a little chat with the IFSA coordinator, and some effort on my part, things have really been looking up lately! I'm sorry I haven't blogged lately...I didn't want to write a post when I was in such a negative frame of mind.

My "mood makeover" started on Saturday, when I went to Rascal's Bar with some various friends, and got an extremely good "French Veggie Burger", which was a delicious veggie patty with baked brie on top and carmelized onions. It really hit the spot! It was definitely vegetarian comfort food at its finest. Pub food is so much better here than at home, and it isn't hard to eat a vegetarian diet at all. I was worried about my diet when coming here, that I would find nothing to eat. I was so wrong and could not be happier about the fact that I was wrong! I have not had to revert to eating any kind of meat, and instead have found many delicious vegetarian dishes, both UK traditional favorites (brie and cranberry sandwich with "curly chips", anyone?) and ethnic foods, like Japanese, Indian and Italian.

The only problem with all of this yummy food is that I end up eating too much of it. (especially the brie.  Did I really think that I hated brie? I must have been delusional or something. I also have a serious addiction to chocolate fudge cake, since it actually tastes like chocolate here, and not icky corn syrup..) Luckily, I have found many great places to go running! I discovered a new path today, and went running for about forty minutes and still felt great afterwards. My good friend and honorary older sister Elle V. has asked me if I'll do the summerfest half marathon with her again, so I'm going to try and train for it over here. So far this is going pretty well. I'm going to try and build up to fifty minutes next week, and hopefully an hour after that, with some added "speed" work. (speed is relative when you're going thirteen miles..)

I have also joined the Creative Writing society, Inklight! I went to an open mic night tonight, and actually worked up the courage to read a poem. Since I have always dreamed of slamming a poem, or at least reading my work in front of hundreds of people (what did I say about being delusional?), I figured that I'd better start practicing. The Open Mic was such a blast! It was so fun to hear everyone else's work in the low key atmosphere of Aikman's Bar. Although I was shaking so bad that my paper was actually quivering, I had a huge adrenaline rush afterwards! I definitely will do this again (hopefully minus the shaking). It is amazing how differently you relate to a poem when you read it aloud, and share your own intimate thoughts with a roomful of other writers. I am going to try and make it to a workshop that Inklight is holding tomorrow regarding poetry and science, given by a post graduate student who majored in bio and english. I think it will be a great and helpful experience :) I am so glad I'm getting involved with Inklight.

Anyways, that's about it for now. I am traveling to Spain on Wednesday to visit Adam, I will definitely write about that :)

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