Sunday 3 February 2013

Ceilidh Dancing!

So I have upheld the tradition of wild dancing in our family (spraining your ankle dancing on a table anyone?) in a very Scottish way! Yes, I went to my first Ceilidh last night. As I am not the world's most coordinated dancer, I was a little nervous, but luckily the band showed us how to do all of the steps. Most of them are fairly easy once you get the hang of it. I was grinning so big the entire time! Nobody has to be an expert at a Ceilidh -it's just pure fun. There are many dances in Ceilidh, none of which I remember of course :( But you can dance in couples, threes, or bigger groups, depending on the song. These dances are not for the unfit-there is a lot of spinning, jumping, skipping and the like involved.

 I danced maybe about five songs (each song is about 10-15 minutes) and I was exhausted by the end of the night. Needless to say, I am definitely taking it easy today. I'm really glad I got the chance to go Ceilidh dancing though. It was great exercise, and a ton of fun. I can't wait until the next one :)

Here is a sample of Ceilidh music and dancing. sadly we didn't get any pictures or video of last night, but hopefully we can at the next one

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